How often should we examine our eyesight?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions about our eyesight.
Większość ekspertów zaleca przeprowadzenie kompleksowego badanie wzroku raz na rok lub dwa - w zależności od wieku, czynników ryzyka i tego czy używamy już szkieł korekcyjnych. Most of the experts recommends doing complex examination of eyesight once or twice a year - depending on age, risk factors and wether or not you are already using prescription lenses.
Children should undergo the first vision test at the age of 6 months, then at the age of 3 years and then at the beginning of school. This is particularly important because vision problems can interfere with the learning process.
Adults, to keep good vision should undergo complex eyesight examination every to years between age of 18 to 60 and once a year at the age of 61 and more.
The "threatened" adults should do them much more often. Risk factors are:
- family history of eye diseases
- diabetes or high blood pressure
- trauma or eye surgery history
- taking medication, which side effects might affect eyes
In Optique we offer complex eye examination and selection of prescription frames in all our stores in Warsaw. Call and make an appointment to see our optometrist today!