Classic or extravagant glasses - which one to choose?

Be independent! 3 steps to clarify your style
When you're looking for your own style, focus on your likes and dislikes, such as your favourite colour or the clothes you feel comfortable in.- Choose a few sets of clothes and take photos of yourself in them.
- Watch the photos and think about which one you like the most.
- After choosing the best one, analyze what you are wearing and what kind of style these parts of the set represent, e. g. long dress with oriental design is a boho style, and a pea skirt combined with a smooth shirt fits into the pin-up.
Women's glasses, men's glasses - ideal accessories for every style
For a consistent style, you need to choose the right accessories such as bag, backpack, jewellery, watch, shoes and of course glasses. Wear classic glasses with an elegant or casual outfit. Full frames, both thin and thick, in subdued colors, will perfectly match the jacket.For a consistent style, you need to choose the right accessories such as bag, backpack, jewellery, watch, shoes and of course glasses. Wear classic glasses with an elegant or casual outfit. Full frames, both thin and thick, in subdued colors, will perfectly match the jacket.
Stawiasz na styl boho czy vintage? Idealne będą oprawki metalowe cienkie w kolorze czarnym, złotym i srebrnym stylizowane na styl hipisów. Klasyczne okulary damskie czy klasyczne okulary męskie będą wyglądały jak nie od kompletu. Zaburzą porządek całości i nie podkreślą Twojej wyjątkowości. Styl pin-up dopełnią okulary z podniesionymi ku górze zewnętrznymi rogami grubych oprawek. Pomogą one uzyskać tak zwany efekt „kocich oczu”. Gdy stwierdzisz, że Twój styl to głównie jeans i luźna bluzka czy t-shirt to możesz poszaleć i wybrać oprawki w mocny i jaskrawych kolorach. Podkreślą one swobodę jeansu i nadadzą stylizacji rozpoznawalnego charakteru.Are you putting your money on boho or vintage? Ideally, thin metal frames in black, gold and silver will be styled after hippie style. Classic women's glasses or classic men's glasses will look like not from the set. They will disrupt the order of the whole and will not emphasize your uniqueness. The pin-up style will be complemented by glasses with the outer corners of the thick frames raised upwards. They will help to achieve the so-called "cat eyes" effect. If you find that your style is mainly jeans and a loose blouse or t-shirt, you can go crazy and choose frames in strong and bright colors. They emphasize the freedom of jeans and give the styling a recognizable character.
Can I fit my glasses when I buy them online?
Proper adjustment of glasses is not only a choice of style, but also a selection of parameters that will make them comfortable and fulfill their function. In order to buy suitable glasses over the internet, it is necessary to take into account such data as:- the width of the head at ear level, which is where will be temple,
- the width of the face at the level of the temple, so that the frames do not expose too much to the outline of the face, because they may look too big,
- eye size so that the frames do not restrict the field of vision,
- pupil spacing - important for the selection of lenses (the optician selects on this basis where the axis of vision is and polishes the lenses accordingly),
- the width of the nose in the place where the eyepieces knock, to choose the appropriate size of the sternum.